ICT Tools

At GNKCW, teachers utilize ICT (Information and Communication Technology) enabled tools to enhance and facilitate the teaching-learning process. These tools encompass a wide range of digital resources and technologies, including computers, tablets, interactive whiteboards, educational software, online platforms, and internet-based resources. By integrating ICT into their teaching practices, teachers create a more engaging and interactive learning environment. They use multimedia presentations, videos, and interactive simulations to present complex concepts in a visually appealing manner, catering to different learning styles and abilities. This multimedia approach captures students’ attention and stimulates their interest, leading to improved information retention and understanding. ICT tools also enable teachers to access a vast array of online educational resources, including e-books, articles, research papers, and educational websites. This empowers them to enrich their teaching materials, update content regularly, and incorporate real-world examples into their lessons.

The following ICT Tools and e-Resources are used by faculty to aid the teaching-learning process.

S.NO. ICT Tool/ Resource Type of Tool
1 Smartboards Hardware
2 Projectors Hardware
3 Printers and Scanners Hardware
4 Visualizers Hardware
5 Digital Tablets Hardware
6 Multimedia Computer System Hardware
7 MS PowerPoint, Google Slides Presentation Software
8 MS Word, Google Docs Word Processing Software
9 MS Excel, Google Sheets Spreadsheet Software
10 Gmail, Yahoo mail etc. Communication Software
11 WhatsApp Communication Software
12 YouTube Video Aggregation System
13 Google Drive Cloud-based Data Storage and Sharing System
14 Google Forms Data Collection and Assessment Tool
15 Adobe Photoshop Designing Software
16 Google Meet, Zoom, Jitsi Meet etc. Online Video Conferencing Software
17 Edpuzzle, H5P etc. Interactive Learning Tools
18 Edmodo Assessment Tools
19 Mentimeter, Kahoot, Quizziz, etc. Game-based Assessment Tools
20 Google Classroom Learning Management System
21 Screen-casto-matic, Screen-Castify Screen recording System for video creation
22 Canva Graphic Design and Editing Software
23 Slack Communication and Learning Platform
24 Openshot, Renderforest, Powtoon Video Creation/Editing Tool
25 Audacity Audio Editing Tool
26 Padlet, Jamboard etc Collaboration, Brainstorming tool
27 Open Broadcast Studio Screen recording and LIVE streaming Tool
28 Overleaf LaTeX Scientific and Technical Documents creation Tool
29 Zotero, Mendeley Reference Management Tool
30 Google Groups Online Discussion Forum
31 Lucidchart, Mindmeister Mind Map creation tools
32 Wordpress, Google Sites Website creation and blogging tools
33 Soundcloud Podcast/ Audio sharing tool
S.NO. E-Resources Used
1 E-journals
2 E-books
3 Educational Websites
4 SWAYAM/ NPTEL Course material
5 Educational Content available on websites
6 Internet Archives
7 YouTube Educational Videos
8 ePathshala Resources
9 National Digital Library of India
10 Shodh Ganga
11 Content available under Creative Commons License
12 Broadcast through Swayam Prabha Channels
13 OER Commons Library
14 MIT Open Courseware
15 Unsplash, Pixabay- Free Imaging Libraries
16 DOAJ- Directory of Open Access Journals
17 DOAB- Directory of Open Access Books
18 Open Textbook Library
19 TED Ed videos
20 MERLOT free educational resources